The Benefits of an Accountability Partner.
The first article I wrote for Written Off Writing was about getting over the fear of starting your writing project.
Every couple of months we host a free Plot Twist event on Google Meets. A 60 minute writing adventure where you don't know where you'll start, get thrown a plot twist every 10 minutes, and create something on the spot, which will be AWESOME.
Patreon Level 1 - You get to join in on a Big Plot Twist, once a month. This is regular, and in addition to the Huge Plot Twist, which is a free event. You also get access to the Written Off Writing Discord server
Patreon Level 2 - all the cool stuff from Level 1, plus you can join, and build, a once-a-month Written Off Writing Group. This is a 90+ minute writing group with 2 writing prompts, and a focus on a theme or genre each month.
The way Written Off is set up is all about encouraging creativity, going to that well of secrets and finding a story. And since we all start from the same unknown, we’re all in it together and creating together, this can form some very strong bonds and build a healthy writing community.
Spoon theory says we have limited energy per day, measured in spoons. When you're low on spoons, spontaneous creativity with like minded individuals helps cheer you up
Showing up and being creative with other people who are there for the exact same reasons as you.
New ideas, new angles on existing ideas, a chance to to experiment outside your usual genre or style
Building confidence and joy in your own creativity with encouragement and support from everyone.
Part of the Written Off Writing experience is writing drabbles- stories of exactly 100 words. Matthew’s writing group has been meeting for over 4 years now, and he had a number of drabbles lying around. So he self-published this book- The Magenta Book of Drabbles.
Talented people I know who have helped me get here, and who will be on the ride with us
Words of wisdom, thoughts and opinions for creativity, motivation and crazy ideas
The first article I wrote for Written Off Writing was about getting over the fear of starting your writing project.
People are afraid of many things. Some justified, like wasps, while some are more nebulous, like trying to start a book or a creative project.
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